Friday, May 22, 2009


The top picture was taken Wednesday at the boys' Pre-K graduation. The other 2 are their first day of Pre-K in August. I can't believe how much they've grown up. They still had a little bit of a baby look when they started school, but they just look like little men now. They're growing up too fast!


Spy Scribbler said...

Awwww! Congratulations! They do look older. We blinked, and then there the school year went!

conley730 said...

Thanks! It really did go by quickly. I'm not ready for my little boys to be so grown.

ANeibaur said...

Aww wow they sure are getting big! Congrats little guys!

conley730 said...

Thanks, Alyse. Your Aryn will be there before you know it.

Robin said...

They're totally adorable. I like the picture with you in it! You guys are a cute little family!