Friday, August 27, 2010


The boys started Taekwondo in March or April. They love it! The place they take lessons was having a sale of 15% off all gear in July, so I went ahead and got all of their sparring gear. Yesterday on the way to class they were complaining that all they ever got to wear was the hand and foot gear. I told them that wouldn't always be the case. Lo and behold, we got to class yesterday and they were told to put on all of their sparring gear. They couldn't have been more excited! I think the parents had more fun watching these little kids spar than the kids had actually sparring. I must say it looked a lot more like brawling to me, but they at least bowed to each other and shook hands before and after. On the plus side, the boys were extra worn out after last night's lesson! I had no trouble at all getting them to go to bed!
We're finally starting to have cooler temps here, so I'm hoping we can do something outside this weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Back to School

The boys had a fabulous time at summer camp this summer. They went to an outdoor day camp at a lake. They went swimming every day and did crafts, paddle boating, hiking, football...all kinds of stuff. The last day of camp was about a week and a half before school started. My mom kept them for me last week, and I took off work Monday through Wednesday this week to be with them. We had so much fun. We went to the pool every day, busted out the sidewalk chalk, took a walk on the one day it wasn't a million degrees outside, and just generally lazed around having a good time. We were supposed to take a vacation this summer, but I broke my ankle in May. I'm finally walking again, but I just wasn't getting around well enough to take them on a vacation. They took it pretty well. I'm sure we'll find somewhere to go for Spring Break or next summer.
Yesterday was the first day of school. The boys are doing Round 2 of Kindergarten. They were surprisingly not upset about it. I was a little worried about that. I know they need this socially and academically. They both seemed to have a good first day. I hope school will go much smoother this year for them. They had a really tough time last year.
I also have a funny story for your Friday! A while back we were in the car going somewhere and I looked in the rear view mirror to see Twin B licking his armpit! Yes, you read that right...he was licking his armpit. I told him he shouldn't do that because it gets sweaty and dirty and nasty and it's just gross!!! A few days later we were in the car again and Twin B sniffs then says "Whew! For a second it smelled like armpit in here!" Twin A promptly fires back with "And that's why you shouldn't lick your armpit!"
So, did you guys have a fun summer? Got the kiddos back in school? Frankly, I'm glad to be back in the routine!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snow White and the 2 Dwarfs?

The boys got to dress up as fairy tale characters today for school. Since I'm not very crafty or creative, I drew whiskers on them with eyeliner and colored the tips of their noses and sent them both as the Big Bad Wolf. On the way to school, Twin B told me he thought everyone where I work should dress up as fairy tale characters today too. I asked him who he thought I should dress up as. He thought about it for a while and finally said he thought I looked like Snow White (awwww, he is going to be a charmer). Then he said "Mommy, you'll always be Snow White and we'll always be your 2 drawfs." Isn't he just the sweetest little thing?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Twin B lost his first tooth yesterday! He was so excited to see what the tooth fairy would leave him. Twin A got a little mopey about NOT having a loose tooth yet. I know Twin B had the tooth (wrapped in a little bit of plastic wrap) in his pocket when we got home, but he somehow managed to lose it before bedtime. I assured him the tooth fairy would still visit. This morning I could hear his shrieks of delight as he screamed at his brother that the tooth fairy left him a dollar! He'll probably take to busting his teeth out with a hammer now. The tooth fairy is going to have to stock up on dollar bills with two sets of teeth on their way out!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Being in Love

Last night when I was putting the boys to bed Twin A asked me if I was in love with daddy. I told him that I wasn't in love with him anymore, but that I used to be in love with daddy. I was trying to prepare myself for the whole "how come you and daddy aren't married" conversation. That wasn't what he was getting at at all! He asked me who I was in love with, and I told him I wasn't in love with anyone but him and his brother. He asked me if I have a boyfriend, and I told him that I didn't have a boyfriend right now. He then tells me I need to get a boyfriend. I ask him why and he says...SO YOU CAN HAVE ANOTHER BABY! I guess every kid wants a little brother or sister at some point, and Twin A is ready for me to have a baby. Sorry two are it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

@ the Doctor's Office

Yesterday was a snow day for the kids. It snowed a tiny bit overnight so the schools were closed. The roads were fine, so I decided to go get an overdue allergy shot. Of course the boys are talking too loudly in the waiting room but were otherwise pretty good. Twin A says he needs to use the restroom so I point it out to him. After he goes in I tell him to shut the door, but he doesn't hear me so I get up and shut the door. When he comes out he asks me if I shut the door. I tell him I did because we shouldn't use the bathroom with the door open. He looks at me and says "Mommy, I just pulled my penis out!" There were a few people in the waiting room and I thought this one guy was going to fall out of his chair from laughing. I can't help but laugh too. I didn't bother to tell him that was the whole reason I wanted him to shut the door in the first place! I'm looking forward to the days the guys get some modesty...or does that ever happen to the male species?!?