Monday, May 5, 2008

Do NOT put that in the toilet!

My kids are just shy of four years old. Over the weekend we had our first incident of putting toys in the toilet. Twin B put a rubber ball in there that was the perfect size to get sort of wedged in the hole. Every time I reached for it, it would go further back and just out out of reach. I was finally able to wedge it out though and Mommy saved the day...or at least a costly visit from the plumber! I'm sure this is the first of many things to be stuck in my toilet. What kinds of interesting things have you had in your potties?


Spy Scribbler said...

Oh how funny! I'm glad you got it out!

Erica Orloff said...

LOL!!! Oh wait . . . more fun to come. :-)

I've had all SORTS of things, from toys to towels shoved into mine.

It's when they start sticking things up their NOSES that you gotta worry. ;-)


Anonymous said...

My daughter flushed a ball that wedged itself so tightly into the toidy that it required REMOVING the toilet and nearly having to replace the whole darn thing. She later showed her cousin how to flush things, but thankfully it was a floaty ball and just wouldn't go.

Anonymous said...

Hi, first comment ever for me on this site but I couldn't resist. My daughter is 13 years old. I went to clean her toliet the other day and she had put a maxi pad in the toliet. I don't know how long she has been doing this but I told her she would be paying the plumbing bill if she ever did that again. I didn't realize that I had to teach her the protocol of maxi pad desposal. Doesn't she read the box on the toilet like everyone else.

conley730 said...

LOL about the maxi pads! I guess I'm like your daughter and didn't read the box. My parents had to call out the plumber once b/c I did the same thing...oops!

conley730 said...

OMG, Anon! I'm glad I didn't have to completely remove the toilet. I'm sure there's more to come though...stay tuned LOL!