Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Twin B lost his first tooth yesterday! He was so excited to see what the tooth fairy would leave him. Twin A got a little mopey about NOT having a loose tooth yet. I know Twin B had the tooth (wrapped in a little bit of plastic wrap) in his pocket when we got home, but he somehow managed to lose it before bedtime. I assured him the tooth fairy would still visit. This morning I could hear his shrieks of delight as he screamed at his brother that the tooth fairy left him a dollar! He'll probably take to busting his teeth out with a hammer now. The tooth fairy is going to have to stock up on dollar bills with two sets of teeth on their way out!


ooooo said...

I love tooth fairy stories!!!!!!!

Robin said...

So cute! Love the missing tooth look!

ANeibaur said...

LOL I love that picture! How exciting for him!

Spy Scribbler said...

Look at that! Awww!

Poor Twin A!