Thursday, August 28, 2008

To all the Good Knights

Yesterday, Twin B was so upset because Twin A told him Christmas wasn't coming anymore. I assured him that it was. He happily ran off saying "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas to all the Good Knights"! I tried to tell him that I thought Santa was saying "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night", but he wasn't buying that. He just kept repeating his version. Stuff like that just really tickles me!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

We made it through the first week!

The guys did really well in school this week I think. Twin B was more apprehensive than Twin A, but that was to be expected. He cried every day except for one when I dropped them off. They both seem to like their teachers. I enjoy hearing about their day in the afternoons when I pick them up from daycare. They feel like such big boys now that they're four and going to big boy school. I, on the other hand, am a little sad that my little men are growing up too fast. I look at baby pictures and it's hard to believe they were ever so small. I guess I've made it through the first of many growing up milestones. I look forward to watching them grow and learn, but it also makes me a little sad.

Tonight at dinner Twin B wrapped his hands around my arm and laid his head against me and said "Mommy, you're the best mommy in the world". I could have cried! I treasure moments like this because I know they won't last forever. For now, though, I'm still the neatest person in their world.

So, what milestones have you and/or your kiddos reached lately?

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of Pre-K

Today is the boys' first day of Pre-K. The drop-off went about as expected. Twin A (on the left in the first 2 pics and on the right in the last) did fine. He was a little nervous but not clingy and no tears. Twin B on the other hand was in hysterics by the time I left. Poor little guy. I dropped Twin B off first and as we were leaving his room, Twin A said "Mama, I'm not going to cry"! I hope they both have a great day and tomorrow won't be so hard.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Random Stuff

First and foremost, we had an absolutely wonderful time at the Backyardigans Live!!! We were on the 2nd row and the kids were just mesmerized.

I have found a creative use for bandaids. I'm sure I'm not the first one, but I felt rather superior when I discovered it. The post office tried to deliver a piece of mail yesterday and left one of those slips behind. I called to arrange for redelivery so I wouldn't have to drive out and pick it up. So I filled out the slip and signed it in all the appropriate places. Then I couldn't find any tape to stick it to the door. That's when I spied a bandaid. Twin B wanted to know if I was hurt. He didn't understand why I was using a bandaid as tape. I guess necessity really is the mother of invention!

I have started giving the dog ultimatums (or is that ultimata?). Geez Louise. I guess I'm so used to dealing with my kids by saying if you don't do so and so by the time I count to three then you don't get dessert or you have to go to time out, etc.! Last night Sophie kept trying to play with some little stuffed Backyardigans beanie babies we got at the show. After about the fourth or fifth time I got onto her, I said if you don't quit chewing on them, you're going to have to leave the room. I must have had the same look on my face as everyone else did in the room. I could hardly believe it even as it was coming out of my mouth. Since when do dogs (or kids for that matter) actually understand what we're saying to them?!? Of course she blew me off just like the kids usually do!

The boys got CDs as a party favor at a birthday party a few weeks ago. It's mostly children's music. There is one song on there by Jack Johnson called Banana Pancakes. Twin A LOVES that song. He's always telling me to put on the banana song. Twin B wanted to know who that guy singing was, so I told him that his name was Jack Johnson. The song got to the part about banana pancakes, and Twin B starts cracking up. He said "Jack's Johnson just said banana pan-a-cakes"! Once again I was struggling to keep the car on the road!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pirate Party

We had a wonderful 4th birthday party. We got to see lots of the Museum of Discovery on our quest for buried pirate treasure! All the kids seemed to have a good time. I abolutely LOVED how the pirate cupcake cake turned out. It was definitely a memorable party. Today, Twin A was asking if we could go back to his pirate party!