Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of Pre-K

Today is the boys' first day of Pre-K. The drop-off went about as expected. Twin A (on the left in the first 2 pics and on the right in the last) did fine. He was a little nervous but not clingy and no tears. Twin B on the other hand was in hysterics by the time I left. Poor little guy. I dropped Twin B off first and as we were leaving his room, Twin A said "Mama, I'm not going to cry"! I hope they both have a great day and tomorrow won't be so hard.


Spy Scribbler said...

Wow! What a day! Big step. I hope tomorrow is easier, and that they had a wonderful day!

ANeibaur said...

Aww they look so cute! In a big boy way. :D I bet your proud of them, I remember my first day was pretty terrible to but it got better. This is an exciting new adventure, I bet they have lots of fun!

Robin said...

Boys this cute have got to have a good time in school. The teacher will fall in love with them and all the girls will chase them at recess trying to kiss them. (Yuck.) Life will be good.

conley730 said...


Thanks! I'm so proud of my fellas!!!