Monday, September 22, 2008


I don't get a whole lot of time to watch TV these days unless it's Nickelodeon, Noggin or the Disney Channel! Heroes, however, is must see TV for me! I started watching the show from day one and I am a total addict now. If you haven't watched it before, tonight is a great time to start. It's on NBC (check your local listings LOL) and before the start of the new season, there will be a recap show.

If you watch Heroes, who is your favorite Hero and why? Mine is probably Peter since he can absorb the powers from everyone else, so he has it all. Plus, he's so nice to look at!

Who are your real life heroes?


ANeibaur said...

DUDE I love Hiro! WOOT WOOT, he is just so funny to me.
Shawn sais he likes "The chick who throws lightening" LOL. What a guy!
But yes, we have watched this show from the beginning as well and we just can't wait to watch it. Although he works tonight :( so we have to wait till tomorrow to watch it on the net when he is home. I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE DAY!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!! Don't think I can survive!

ANeibaur said...

Shawn has just decided he likes the little boy (can't remember his name its been so long) who talks to machines. Theres my nerdy husband for ya. :D

conley730 said...

Micah! He is pretty cool, and his cousin that can mimic anything she sees is pretty awesome too!

Robin said...

I like Micah's mimic cousin! It would be too cool to be able to watch "Dancing with the Stars", and just be able to dance like that. Or watch a Kung Fu tape and suddenly be an expert.
I can't wait until tonight!!!!

Danielle said...

Ok I don't watch the show but you are my HERO!!!! Because you are able to say NO to being the "Consignment Sale Chairperson"!!!! HA HA HA Hope the boys are doing well with school!! Talk to you soon!

Robin said...

It's Wed and I taped Heroes. Did I see that the cheerleader has become evil? Wait! Don't tell me!

conley730 said...

I think maybe that was a possible future Claire, but I'm not too sure. I missed the first ten minutes *kicks DVR*.

ANeibaur said...

Yes it was the future clair... I believe it said Ten years in the future... OMG was that insane or what!!! I HATE when they leave you hanging like that, but I guess thats the point right! They really just need to air the show like everyday!!! New episodes all the time! YES I have found the solution!

conley730 said...

I missed last night's epi, but it's recorded. Hopefully I'll be able to watch tonight.

Robin said...

I recorded last week's episode, too! Something to do on a cold, rainy weekend. (This weekend.)

Are you not blogging because you're happy and busy? I hope so. I miss you!