Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I was looking at some pictures from an event we went to last fall. I thought I'd post a couple of the boys riding horses. They had so much fun. The first one is Twin B riding Blue and the second one is Twin A riding Charlie. I thought we'd never get them away from those horses!


Spy Scribbler said...

I love horses! And your boys are cuties. :-)

Btw, I never roasted marshmallows over my bed. They ARE creative!

conley730 said...

Thanks! I think they're cuties too, but I am a little biased! I wish we lived somewhere that we could have horses, but we live in the city, so events like these are the only times they get to ride. I never roasted marshmallows over my bed either. I sure hope they keep the creativity as they get older.