Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pulling the Train into the Station

This morning I was trying to get the boys dressed. I had Twin B dressed and ready to go, and Twin A had his clothes off ready to get dressed. I look around to find him and he's running around naked on his hobby horse LOL! I told him it was time to get dressed and he said "Just a minute, mommy. I have to park my train"! At least I got a good laugh out of my hectic get everybody ready and out the door schedule.


ooooo said...

There are so many cute funny things in this blog it is amazing. Naked cowboy parkin a train.

conley730 said...

If only he'd had his pink cowboy hat and gold sequined belt! LOL!!!

Wendy Roberts said...

Don't forget the camera next time! Those blackmail shots will work wonders once they hit the teen years lol!

conley730 said...

I know, Wendy. I never have the camera when I need it!