Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Just a Costume

Has everyone seen Men in Black? Well, I felt a little bit like I was wearing an Edgar suit last night! When we got home, Twin A was REALLY hungry. I was trying to get the collars and leashes on the dogs to take them for a walk since they'd been inside all day long. He wanted to know how come I wasn't fixing his dinner yet. I told him I had to take the dogs out first. He got really frustrated and started saying a bunch of nonsense stuff. Then he said "You're not even an adult. It's just a costume"! I laughed so hard. These boys never cease to amaze me with the things they say.

Another thing they've both started talking about lately is Homa Homa. I thought maybe they were mispronouncing Oklahoma, but they insist there is a place called Homa Homa where displaced mice can live. Yep, you read that right. If a mouse can't find a hole to live in, all he has to do is pack up and move to Homa Homa because evidently they have an abundance of mouse housing!


ooooo said...

See I knew that it was a suit!!!!!!

Homa Homa- That would make a great childrens book

Spy Scribbler said...

Homa Homa! I love it! That's really quite fun to say, especially while banging on one's chest.

Robin said...

They're creative little buggers! I think that's the best insult I've ever heard from a kid. It's awesome!

ANeibaur said...

OMG that is so funny! Your boys crack me up! :D

Kelley said...

Kids can come up with some funny stuff!