Thursday, January 8, 2009

Turn that Music Down!

Last night (technically really early this morning) a friend and I were listening to some music on my computer. I had my door shut, but the boys' room is right across the hall. I guess it was turned up a little too loud. Next thing I know I hear Twin B calling for me. I turned the music off and went to the door. He looked sleepily up at me and told me to go to bed! He said "I can't sleep with that loud music. Turn it off and go to bed!" As if that wasn't bad enough, my friend promptly pointed out that this situation would likely be reversed in about 10 years. It's been many, many years since someone has asked me to turn down the music! I can't believe it was from a 4 year old this time.

Has anything like that ever happened to you where you felt like the parent/child roles were reversed?


Anonymous said...

All too frequently! Mine are teenagers now, which makes it even worse, because they look for ways to turn the tables on me.


conley730 said...

Mine haven't even hit kindergarten yet LOL! I can't imagine what they'll be trying to do to me as teenagers!

Spy Scribbler said...

Oh! That's hilarious, Erin!

Robin said...

That's very funny! Sometimes my kids tell me I'm acting immature. Heck. I am immature!

Kelley said...

Very cute!