Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm Such an Ass!

The other day in the car the boys were particularly rowdy. I know, 4 year olds being rowdy? Go figure. They got into an argument about something and Twin B hit Twin A. Then they were going back and forth and wouldn't stop. Grrrrr!!! Twin B finally got in one final parting shot on Twin A and I yelled at him "One of these days he's gonna hit your ass back and I hope it hurts". He just kind of shook his head and said "I didn't hit him in the ass, mommy". I generally try to keep my language clean around the kiddos and whenever I let something slip, this is the kind of thing that happens. Now who feels like an ass?!?


ooooo said...

LOL!!!!!! You literally heard me laughing my butt off over that one.

Robin said...

Hahaha! Hey, at least he knows where an ass is! You've raised a smart kid!

ANeibaur said...

HAHAHA... sorry to laugh, but that is really great! I remember doing stuff like that when I was a kid! You can't always remember to watch what you say. That just made my night! Thank you... LOL

Allison Brennan said...

I used to be so good about my language, especially around my first two. But after five kids, I think you get a special dispensation to swear. If they repeat it, and use the "but you said it" I pull out the, "I'm over 18 I can say what I want." or "I can also drive, but that doesn't meant you're old enough to."