Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Backyardigans Live

The Backyardigans Live! Tale of the Mighty Knights is coming here the week after the boys' birthday. They've never been to any of the live shows like this. I just got tickets for all of us to go. That will be their birthday present from me. I hope they love it!
How old were your kids the first time you took them to a movie or a live show?


ANeibaur said...

Aryn is now 15 months old and on sunday we took her to see Wall-E... that was a disaster.. but we were still able to see most of it. I don't think I will take her to anything like that again for a while. Maybe a couple of years! I bet the boys will have fun... thats one of our favorite shows! :) HAPPY BIRHTDAY BOYS!!!

conley730 said...

My guys will be 4 at the end of the month, so I'm hoping they're ready. They love the show too. I've been wanting to take them to see Kung Fu Panda and Wall-E too. Thanks for the b-day wishes!

Spy Scribbler said...

Wow, four! They're growing up so fast! I hope they have a blast with the Backyardigans!

conley730 said...

I hope so too! This will be a first for me...I hope I make it through it!

Robin said...

My kids went to the movies when they were about 3. They mostly liked to eat candy and popcorn, and they had absolutely no idea what a whisper was. People probably hated us.

conley730 said...

I figure that will be the case with mine too, Robin, but it is a kids show, so that's to be expected...right???